Special Fundraising 2022

Goal = $52,000

We are grateful for your support of the Anglican/Episcopal mission in Brockton, and we know that with your support, we can continue to meet people where they are, reaching out to children, women and men to foster healing and wholeness in our local and global community.

Fundraising Options


Ask a Friend

Ask a friend: Invite and ask a friend to donate a one time $500. Send the name to the admin, and we will send your friend our 10th anniversary brochure (hard or electronic copy). We hope we can get 100 donors. For more information, please contact Bro. Femi Alayo. 



Join the 25

Join the 25: One of the fund-raising measures adopted at the Annual Meeting was to increase to 25 the number of members or families who give $40 or more per week which will in turn mean a family giving $2080 or more per year. With 25 members/families at this level, we can reach our annual goal of $52,000. We are grateful for every dollar given at every level, and we invite all who can to help us meet this fundraising goal. For more information, please contact Mrs Rachel Yerokun-Fidudusola. 

Organize a Family Thanksgiving

Organize a family Thanksgiving: A family focused Sunday of Thanksgiving, prayers and worship to honor, and celebrate the story of love and life within each family and raise money for the church. If you want to celebrate your family or a friend, you can use your Sunday to honor those you love. Come enjoy the sights, sounds, time with family and friends of Grace Chapel Brockton. If you would like to place your family on the list for Family Thanksgiving, please contact Mrs. Agnes Adepoju or Patricia Druineaud.

Church Anniversary

Church Anniversary: Our 12 Chapel anniversary is coming soon. It will be an accession to invite friends and families to celebrate God’s goodness in our lives in the last twelve years. For more information, please contact Ms Joyce Skeete.


Grant: Our Grant writer, Ms. Caroline Weeks continues to work on various grant opportunities, especially for our outreach programs. Please send any information regarding any grant opportunity to our admin at [email protected], and it will get to Caroline Weeks.